In addition , we have recently conducted an observational study in collaboration with the Lombardy region, thanks to the competition won by San Paolo Hospitality , a communication design and events agency based in Milan whose core business has two tracks The track deals with the field of communication and therefore involves the planning and organization of events , video creation , internal communications , business games and more broadly those communication tools that strengthen relationships with employees and salespeople ; The second focus is on product design , especially the design of accessories and clothing. In addition , there is no shortage of accessory design capabilities in the residential , commercial and hotel sectors , exhibitions, shops and large retail chains , as well as booth displays in all types of indoor spaces .
Focus on companies of all types , from large international brands 10 best gps tracker services in Bangladesh to young emerging journalists, from fashion to fashion , multi-partner programs to technology , but what is the idea behind the creative studio 's answers from partner designers ? Become a creative open and shared space where ideas flow freely, create unexpected connections , grow and transform into tools and projects that speak to the market and people We like to define ourselves this way , laboratories, or institutions; but as institutions , if anything, more different, free to wherever our reflections, our thinking, our imaginations take us . where we are

We started out as independent professionals , not employed by the same organization . We are passionate about connecting the world and interested in the synergies that arise through access to talented people. We collaborate on projects . But it was not until 2010 that we decided to work together in a work environment, spurred by the increasing creativity and innovative ideas . Finally, we established a company in 2010. Currently our team consists of 10 professionals . Why should we choose you to design a product and sell it? Because everything we design sells and continues to sell , explains Dimitri .